Monday, October 31, 2011

Tallest Man Alive!

Have you ever wished  you were taller? How about if you were shorter? Well this guy is 8ft tall! His name is Sultan Kosen. He is from Ankara, Turkey. He is 29 years old and he farms his families land. He also holds the record for the largest hand span & largest feet in the Guinness Book of World Records. He says he always wanted to be in a book and it was a huge surprise!

Monday, October 24, 2011

This woman has the smallest waist size! Her measurement (corseted) is 38.1 cm (15 in.) & her measurement (uncorseted) is 53.34 cm (21 in). Wow that is the size of a jar of mayonnaise. She was born in 1937 which makes her 74 years old! It looks almost unhealthy for this to be even possible. She now wears a corset 24 hours a day!


Today I would like to talk about the World's largest natural breasts. This rank goes to Annie Hawkins-Turner (aka Norma Stitz). Why she has two names, i don't know. Her under breast measurement is 109.22 cm (43 in) and her around chest-over-nipple measurement is 177.8 cm (70 in). Think about carrying around that! Her breasts weigh at least 112 lbs. That would be more than being pregnant.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Longest Tongue

What would you do it you had an incredibly long tongue? I would probably try to hide it, but not this girl. Chanel Tapper is one proud individual. Her tongue measures 9.75 cm. (3.8 inches).That means it is as long as the world's largest cockroach, as wide as your palm, the same volume as a quarter pounder, & around the same length as an iPhone.

Chanel first realized that her tongue was long when she saw a picture of herself when she was eight. She stuck out her tongue for a Halloween picture. She says that people freak out when they see her because they don't expect something like that. She doesn't have a boyfriend because when most guys see her tongue, it's a turnoff. Her last boyfriend didn't care about her tongue & that's why she like him so much.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Longest Ears on a Dog

Harbor, a black & tan Coonhound, is definitely a unique dog. He is from Boulder, Colorado & he is on the record for the longest ears on a dog. His ears are measured 13.5 & 12.25 inches. His owner, Jennifer West, said that when he was a puppy he would trip & roll down the stairs because of his oddly shaped ears. I would think that this dog would have a hard time walking & it would be pretty akward when the wind starts blowing.

This dog has a lot of records in the book. His ear span is longer than the shortest man. His ear span is also bigger than the world's smallest legal car. You could also fit the world's smallest dog twice on each of Harbor's ears.
The dog that held this record was Tigger, who had both ears 13.5 inches. He died 2 years ago.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Most Piercings on a Senior Citizen

On April 7th, 2011 a record was made by John Lynch. He is known as most pierced Senior Citizen. It was recorded that he has 241 piercings & 151 on his face. He was a banker for over 30 years & got his first piercing on his eyebrow. It is unbelievable that he started with just one in his late 40s & goes to the extremes of 241. I could not do that. I wonder what kind of attention he gets when he's at a store. Now tell me this, how many of you would get a piercing? How many of you would get maybe 5? & Truthfully how many of you would go to that extreme?

Thursday, September 22, 2011


This Blog is all about the oddities of humanity. The first odditiy is from the Guinness Book of World Records. This was recorded back in 2010 and it is about the hairest teenager. She is from Thailand and her name is Supatra Sasuphan. It is truely amaizng. She has a rare genetic disorder called  Ambras Syndrome. It is caused by a faulty chromosone.